Lunge & Liberty

with Herman

Help your horse become supple and balanced whilst developing a beautiful partnership with this unique program combining lunge, liberty and groundwork. Unlike ‘conventional’ lungeing this technique is hugely beneficial as you will quickly see improvement in your horse’s performance and overall attitude to training.

Lunge & Liberty

with Herman

Help your horse become supple and balanced whilst developing a beautiful partnership.

Scroll through each season!

Spring Season

We begin this first season teaching you the 'hand signals' which become the basis for our communication on the lunge. You will be amazed how quickly your horse will read your cues!

Download our quick reference cards for each lesson to keep you and your horse on track!

last try
Spring: Lesson 1


  • Clear communication
  • Targeting
  • Three Agreements
  • Reward
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Foundation for lunge work

Develop a language your horse understands with this fun exercise.

Teaching your horse to target is not just a fun party trick, but rather an excellent way to teach your horse a 'language'. In this lesson Jenku teaches Herman how to 'target' a cone while safely behind the stable door. This exercise underpins the 'Three Agreements' which is a way to communicate clearly and effectively with your horse. The 'Three Agreements' are:

  1. a clear way of saying 'YES, this is what I want'
  2. a clear way of saying 'NO, this is not what I want'
  3. a clear way of saying 'I will always set you up to find 'neutral' - a place where there is no pressure.

By only rewarding the behaviour that you want, your horse will quickly learn to eliminate unwanted behaviour. As Tracy, points out - successful targeting to the left and right is the foundation for lunge work. What better way to learn than with positive reinforcement and consistent rewards?

Spring Herman 2 - Head Down
Spring: Lesson 2

Head Down

  • Long and low
  • Without gadgets
  • Targeting
  • Hand signals
  • Direct feedback
  • Relaxation
  • Working over back

Once your horse has learned to target you can train the 'cue' for stretching.

The simplest way to teach your horse to work long and low without gadgets is by using a target. In this lesson, Jenku builds on the previous targeting work done over the stable door, by taking the horse into the arena and getting him to target a cone on the ground. Herman quickly learns that interfering with the human gives him no reward, but that Jenku’s finger pointed to the ground is the cue he needs to follow.

If your horse gets stuck, lower your criteria and bring the cone up to him to remind him of the task at hand. Light downward pressure on the halter will also provide him with the direct feedback he needs to focus on the cone. Consistent and direct feedback sets the horse up for success and enables him to relax and learn at the same time. Long and low work will help Herman work through his back and carry himself more without relying on his rider.

Spring Herman 3 - Lunge Buttons
Spring: Lesson 3

Lunge Buttons

  • Balance
  • Lightness
  • Suppleness
  • Buttons
  • No gadgets
  • No stress
  • Natural progression
  • Hand signals

These 'buttons' will set you and your horse up for success under saddle.

Herman is big-framed, with lovely loose paces - but he can lose his balance easily. Lunge work is a great way for him to learn to balance himself and figure out just where his limbs are. In this lesson, instead of just 'chasing him around' in a circle, Jenku teaches Herman 'lunge buttons' that will translate into ridden work.

The stick pointed at the shoulder means that he must move out on the circle; while the stick pointed to the hind quarter teaches the horse to engage his inside hind leg. No gadgets, no stress and a natural progression from all the targeting work that you’ve done – what could be more graceful? Teaching Herman these 'buttons' in hand means that he will already understand the cues from her hands and legs when he is ridden.

Clip #83
Spring: Lesson 4

Cruise Control

  • Sustaining canter
  • Self-carriage
  • Engagement
  • Balance
  • Lightness
  • Transitions
  • Relaxation and flexibility

Are you doing more work than your horse? You need to learn cruise control!

Teaching your horse to stay in canter by themselves without you working really hard is much easier than you think. In this lesson Jenku demonstrates how you can achieve 'cruise control' where your horse learns to stay in the canter. 'Cluck' once and your horse must respond, and then they must stay in the canter - don't keep clucking! Once you have this established you will learn there is so much more you can achieve on the lunge. Instead of lungeing for fitness, you will learn how to use it to:

  1. teach your horse self-carriage
  2. improve suppleness
  3. encourage them to step under with the inside hind leg
  4. come up in the poll and flex naturally without gadgets or draw reins

By teaching your horse skill sets, he will feel light in your hand and will be able to engage more behind. You can also have fun playing with transitions to increase relaxation and flexibility.

Downloadable Quick-Reference Cards


Your horse needs to be secured in a stable for this lesson (or small paddock / turn out pen). You will need a small cone or brightly coloured object.
Stand approximately 2m away from the door (or gate) so that your horse cannot touch you, instead of the cone.
Allow your horse to touch the cone with their nose - ‘tsk’ & reward. Repeat until your horse consistently touches the target like a ‘button’ to get the reward.
Next reach arm out to your right side - ‘tsk’ & reward. Repeat until consistent.
Next reach arm out to your left side - ‘tsk’ & reward. Repeat until consistent.
Try not to collapse your body or drop your arm. Keep your posture consistent so that the ‘picture’ is clear.


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Each season will be added as we progress in real-time through the year. The complete program will be available to buy at the end of the year. Meanwhile you can join our membership to get access to the lessons which are already live. Enjoy!


Tie a knot in the lead rope approx 30cm from the halter. This is where you hold the lead rope. Hold the whip in your outside hand.
To walk forward, put your hand forward.
To stop and back up, lean back slightly and bring your hand up.
The rope should never feel ‘heavy’. If your horse is dragging behind you, tap behind you with the whip to bring them up to speed.
If your horse is running through you, wave the whip in front of your horse like a window wiper to block them.
Foals are hardwired to stick to their mum’s side like glue. The aim is to overlay this instinct to train your horse to ‘ find neutral’ next to you.


Tie a knot in the lead rope approx 30cm from the halter. This is where you hold the lead rope. Hold the whip in your outside hand.
To walk forward, put your hand forward.
To stop and back up, lean back slightly and bring your hand up.
The rope should never feel ‘heavy’. If your horse is dragging behind you, tap behind you with the whip to bring them up to speed.
If your horse is running through you, wave the whip in front of your horse like a window wiper to block them.
Foals are hardwired to stick to their mum’s side like glue. The aim is to overlay this instinct to train your horse to ‘ find neutral’ next to you.

Lesson:Long & Low Canter

Start by revisiting the hand cues: pointing down means ‘head down’, pointing out to the side, ‘like a good traffic cop’ means ‘go this way’.
In walk on the lunge, point downward and mark the moment your horse lowers their head - ‘tsk’ and reward. Repeat on both reins.
Next progress to trot on the lunge, point downward and mark the moment your horse lowers their head - ‘tsk’ and reward. Repeat on both reins.
Now start spacing your rewards - ignore the 1st time the head is lowered and reward the 2nd time, and then the 3rd until your horse sustains the frame.
Finally progress to canter, rewarding the ‘smallest try’ to begin with and then gradually spacing your rewards. Repeat on both reins.
Muscles work in pairs. The abdominal muscles can only work when the back is relaxed - and the back can only relax when the head is lowered!

Lesson:Lateral Bend

In this lesson your horse will be working with lateral bend through their bodies. As the hind leg swings under, their torso lifts and they learn ’self carriage’.
Start in walk on a short rope. The whip directs the shoulder. Tap deliberately just behind the withers - ‘tsk’ and reward when your horse bends their body.
Progress to trot, just a few circles at a time. As the inside hind leg swings under with lateral bend through the body - ‘tsk’ and reward. Repeat on both reins.
Next lengthen the rope and warm up in a basic canter - point downwards for ‘long and low’ (as learned in Summer season). Then shorten the rope.
Set up fi rst by shifting weight to the hind, and canter. Notice as your horse finds more suppleness, the hind leg swings under more and they lift the torso.
This is so much more than ‘conventional’ lungeing - it’s much more beneficial. It’s teaching your horse to manage their own body without constraints.

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